
  1. C. Bardaro – D. Candeloro, Sull’approssimazione dell’integrale di Burkill-Cesari di funzionali sublineari su misure ed applicazioni all’integrale multiplo del Calcolo delle Variazioni Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 26, (1977), 339-362.

  2. C. Bardaro – P. Pucci, Un teorema di esistenza per equazioni contingenti in spazi di Banach, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 27, (1978), 1-6.

  3. C. Bardaro – C. Gori Cocchieri, Sull’estensione di un teorema di E. Baiada alle multifunzioni, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis Univ. Modena, 28, (1979), 1-8

  4. C. Bardaro – C. Gori Cocchieri, Proprietà di alcune seminorme del secondo ordine, Atti Accad. Sci. Lett. Arti di Palermo, 38, (1978-79), 231-242.

  5. C. Bardaro, Nuclei, derivata simmetrica e perimetro di una misura, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 28, (1979), 373-386.

  6. C. Bardaro, Sulla derivazione relativamente ad una funzione continua per applicazioni a valori in uno spazio di Banach, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 29, (1980), 320-327.

  7. C. Bardaro – D. Candeloro, Teoremi di approssimazione per l’integrale multiplo del Calcolo delle Variazioni, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 30, (1981), 63-82.

  8. C. Bardaro, La disuguaglianza generalizzata di Steiner per funzionali sublineari su misure, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 30, (1981), 114-130.

  9. C. Bardaro – C. Garzi, Alcune osservazioni sulla m-variazione in spazi di Banach, Istituto Lombardo (Rend. Sci), A 116, (1982), 327-341.

  10. C. Bardaro, Alcuni teoremi di convergenza per l’integrale multiplo del Calcolo delle Variazioni, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 31, (1982), 302-324.

  11. C. Bardaro – P. Pucci, Some contributions to the theory of multivalued differential equations, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 32, (1983), 175-202.

  12. C. Bardaro – C. Gori Cocchieri, Sul grado di approssimazione per una classe di integrali singolari, Rend. Mat. Appl. 4, (1984), 481-490.

  13. C. Bardaro, Sulla convergenza dei momenti ponderati, Unpublished manuscript 1983, Technical Report nr. 24/2000, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Perugia.

  14. C. Bardaro, On approximation properties for some classes of linear operators of convolution type, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 33, (1984), 329-356.

  15. C. Bardaro – C. Gori Cocchieri, Sull’approssimazione di una funzione con integrali singolari, Rend. Mat. App. 5, (1985), 309-317.
  16. C. Bardaro, Indipendenza dal peso della convergenza di funzionali sublineari su misure vettoriali ed applicazioni, Rend. Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste, 19, (1987), 44-63.

  17. C. Bardaro, Una caratterizzazione degli spazi di Banach normati in senso forte e la variazione di funzioni a valori vettoriali, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 35, (1987), 43-46.

  18. C. Bardaro – R. Ceppitelli, Minimax inequalities in Riesz spaces, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 35, (1987), 63-70.

  19. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Perimetro e variazione generalizzata rispetto ad una misura in R2, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 35, (1987), 173-190.

  20. C. Bardaro – R. Ceppitelli, Some further generalizations of Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz theorem and minimax inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 132, (1988), 484-490.

  21. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Integral operators on vector measures and applications to moment kernel, Rend. Mat. Appl. 8, (1988), 149-164.

  22. C. Bardaro – R. Ceppitelli, Applications of the generalized Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz theorem to variational inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 137, (1989), 46-84.

    C. Bardaro –G. Vinti, Modular convergence in generalized Orlicz spaces for moment type operators, Applicable Analysis, 32, (1989), 265-276.

  23. C. Bardaro – R. Ceppitelli, Fixed point theorems and vector-valued minimax theorems, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 146, (1990), 369-373.

  24. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, On approximation properties of certain non convolution integral operators, J. Approx. Theory, 62, (1990), 358-371.

  25. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, On convergence of moment operators with respect to f-variation, Applicable Analysis, 41, (1991), 247-256.

  26. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Modular estimates of integral operators with homogeneous kernel in Orlicz type classes, Results in Math., 19, (1991), 46-53.

  27. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Some estimates of certain integral operators with respect to multidimensional Vitali f-variation and applications in fractional calculus, Rend. Mat. Appl., 11, (1991), 405-416.

  28. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Some estimates of certain integral operators in generalized fractional Orlicz classes, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimiz., 12, (1991), 443-453.

  29. C. Bardaro, Proprietà base delle funzioni a variazione limitata, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 51, (1993), 287-302

  30. C. Bardaro – R. Ceppitelli, Some generalizations in H-modular spaces of Fan’s best approximation theorem, J. Australian Math. Soc., 56, (1994), 291-302.

  31. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, A general convergence theorem with respect to Cesari variation and applications, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory and Appl, 22, (1994), 505-518.

  32. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Modular convergence theorem in fractional Musielak-Orlicz spaces, Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 13, (1994), 155-170.

  33. C. Bardaro – J. Musielak – G. Vinti, Modular estimates and modular convergence for a class of nonlinear operators, Math. Japonica, 39, (1994), 7-14.

  34. C. Bardaro – J. Musielak – G. Vinti, On absolute continuity of a modular connected with strong summability, Comment. Math., 34, (1994), 21-33.

  35. C. Bardaro – R. Ceppitelli, A general best approximation theorem with applications in H-metrizable spaces, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 43, (1995), 33-40.

  36. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Some inclusion theorems in Orlicz and Musielak-Orlicz type spaces, Annali Mat. Pura e Appl., 168, (1995), 189-203.

  37. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Modular estimates for linear for linear integral operators in Musielak-Orlicz spaces on groups, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 43, (1995), 483-490.

  38. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Modular estimates and modular convergence for linear integral operators, in "Mathematical Analysis, Wavelets, and Signal Processing”, Int. Conf. In Honor of Professor P.L. Butzer, Cairo, January 3-9, 1994, Contemporary Math., 190, (1995), 95-105.

  39. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Modular approximation by nonlinear integral operators on locally compact groups, Comment. Math., 35, (1995), 25-47.

  40. C. Bardaro – J. Musielak – G. Vinti, Approximation by nonlinear integral operators in some modular function spaces, Annales Polonici Math., 53, (1996), 173-182.

  41. C. Bardaro –I. Mantellini, A modular convergence theorem for general nonlinear integral operators, Comment. Math., 36, (1996), 27-37.

  42. C. Bardaro – J. Musielak – G. Vinti, On the definition and properties of a general modulus of continuity in some functional spaces, Math. Japonica, 43, (1996), 445-450.

  43. C. Bardaro – J. Musielak – G. Vinti, Nonlinear operators of integral type in some functional spaces, Collectanea Math., 48, (1997), 409-422.

  44. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, A modular convergence theorem for certain nonlinear integral operators with homogeneous kernel, Collectanea Math., 48, (1997), 393-407.

  45. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, A general approach to the convergence theorems of generalized sampling series, Applicable Analysis, 64, (1997), 203-217.

  46. C. Bardaro – J. Musielak – G. Vinti, On nonlinear integral operators in spaces Lfg, Comment. Math., 37, (1997), 23-36.

  47. C. Bardaro – I. Mantellini, Modular approximation by sequences of nonlinear integral operators in Musielak-Orlicz spaces, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, special issue dedicated to Professor Calogero Vinti, suppl. vol. 46, (1998), 403-425.

  48. C. Bardaro – J. Musielak – G. Vinti, On the ergodic theorem in some spaces of random variables, J. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Appl., 33, (1998), 359-365.

  49. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, On the order of modular approximation for nets of integral operators in modular Lipschitz classes, Functiones & Approximatio, special issue dedicated to Professor J. Musielak, 26, (1998), 139-154.

  50. C. Bardaro – J. Musielak – G. Vinti, Some modular inequalities related to Fubini-Tonelli theorem, Proc. of A. Razmadze Math. Inst., Georgia, 118, (1998), 3-19.

  51. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Uniform convergence and rate of approximation for a nonlinear version of the generalized sampling operator, Results in Math., special issue dedicated to Professor P.L. Butzer, 34, (1998), 224-240.

  52. C. Bardaro - G. Vinti, The contribution of J. Musielak research to the theory of nonlinear integral operators, in “Viro docto atque iusto Juliano Musielak”, mathematical papers dedicated to Professor Julian Musielak, Jubilee Session, A Mickiewicz University, Poznan, 1999, H. Hudzik and M. Jaroszewska Eds.

  53. C. Bardaro, The Work of Calogero Vinti in Approximation Theory and its impact in Calculus of Variations, Applicable Analysis, 75, (2000), 137-155.

  54. C. Bardaro – I. Mantellini, Linear integral operators with homogeneous kernel: approximation properties in modular spaces. Applications to Mellin-type operators and to some classes of fractional operators, Applied Math. Rev., vol I, World Scientific Publ., Ed. G. Anastassiou, (2000), 45-67.

  55. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Nonlinear integral operators in modular Lipschitz classes: rates of modular convergence, In "Function Spaces: The Fifth Conference", H. Hudzik, L. Skrzypczak, New York: Marcel Dekker, 2000, pp.71-84.

  56. C. Bardaro – J. Musielak – G. Vinti, On nonlinear integro-differential operators in generalized Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, J. Approx. Theory, 105, (2000), 238-251.

  57. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Nonlinear sampling type operators: uniform and modular approximation results, In "Sampta 99", Proceedings of the 1999 Int. Workshop on “Sampling Theory and Appl.”, August 11-14, 1999, Loen, Norway, Norvegian University.

  58. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Nonlinear sampling type operators: approximation properties and regular methods of summability, Nonlinear Analysis Forum, 6(1), (2001), 15-26, (Special issue on Nonlinear Analysis and Appl., St. John's, Canada, 1999).

  59. C. Bardaro – J. Musielak – G. Vinti, Approximation by Riemann sums in modular spaces, Hokkaido Math. Journal, 30, (2001), 1-15.

  60. C. Bardaro - G. Vinti, On some class of integral operators in modular spaces, Far East J.Math. Sci., Special volume (Functional Analysis and its Applications) Part II, (2001), 129-154.

  61. C. Bardaro – G. Vinti, Urysohn integral operators with homogeneous kernel: approximation properties in modular spaces, Commentationes Math., 42 (2), (2002), 126-163.

  62. C.Bardaro - J. Musielak - G. Vinti, On nonlinear integral equations in some function spaces, Demonstratio Math., 35, (2002), 583-592.

  63. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, On a singularity concept for kernels of nonlinear integral operators, Intern. Math. Journal, 1 (no.3), (2002), 239-254.

  64. C.Bardaro - S.Sciamannini - G.Vinti, Convergence in BVf by nonlinear Mellin-type convolution operators, Functiones et Approximatio, 29, (2001), 17-28.

  65. C.Bardaro - I.Mantellini, On approximation properties of Urysohn integral operators, Int. Journal Pure and Appl. Math., 3, (2002), 129-148.

  66. C.Bardaro - I.Mantellini, On reconstruction of functions by means of nonlinear discrete operators, J. Concrete and Appl. Math., 1,(2003), 301-313.

  67. C.Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - R.L. Stens - G. Vinti, Convergence in Variation and Rates of Approximation for Bernstein-Type Polynomials and Singular Convolution Integrals, Analysis (Munich), 23 (4), (2003), 299-346.

  68. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, On some estimates for general sampling operators and approximation properties, Int. Journal of Math. Sci, 2 (2), (2003), 289-326.

  69. C. Bardaro - G. Vinti, An abstract approach to sampling type operators inspired by the work of P.L. Butzer. Part I- Linear operators, Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, 2(3), (2003), 271-296.

  70. C. Bardaro - G. Vinti, An abstract approach to sampling type operators inspired by the work of P.L. Butzer. Part II- Nonlinear operators, Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, 3(1), (2004), 29-44.

  71. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Regular methods of summability and abstract Urysohn type operators, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., 12 (3), (2004), 335-359.

  72. C.Bardaro - G. Vinti, On the order of BVf-approximation of convolution integral operators over the line group, Commentationes Math., Tomus Specialis in honorem Iuliani Musielak, (2004), 47-63.

  73. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Approximation properties in abstract modular spaces for a class of sampling-type operators, Applicable Analysis, 85 (4), (2006), 383-413.

  74. C.Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - R.L. Stens - G. Vinti, Approximation error of the Whittaker Cardinal Series in terms of an Averaged Modulus of Smoothness Covering Discontinuous Signals, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 316 (2006), 269-306.

  75. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Uniform modular integrability and convergence properties for a class of Urysohn integral operators in function spaces, Math. Slovaca, 56 (4), (2006), 465-482.

  76. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, On global approximation properties of abstract integral operators operators in Orlicz spaces and applications, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics (electronic), 6(4), Article 123,(2005)

  77. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Estimates and superpositions of general nonlinear sampling operators and applications, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 13(2), (2006), 1-36

  78. C.Bardaro - G. Vinti, Approximation of multivariate functions of bounded variation by means of linear convolution operators, Varahmihir J. Math. Sci., 6(2),(2006), 393-404. Special issue dedicated to Professor S.P. Singh.

  79. C.Bardaro - P.L. Butzer -R.L. Stens - G. Vinti, Kantorovich-type generalized sampling series in the setting of Orlicz Spaces, Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, 6 (1), (2007), 29-52.

  80. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Estimates of the approximation error for abstract sampling type operators in Orlicz spaces, Functiones et Approximatio, 36, (2006), 1-26.

  81. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Pointwise convergence theorems for nonlinear Mellin convolution operators , Int.J.Pure Appl. Math., 27(4), (2006), 431-447.

  82. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Voronovskaya type estimates for Mellin convolution operators , Results in Mathematics, 50(1-2), (2007), 1-16.

  83. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Korovkin's theorem in modular spaces , Commentationes Math.,47(2),(2007), 239-253.

  84. C.Bardaro- H. Karsli- G. Vinti, On pointwise convergence of linear integral operators with homogeneous kernels , Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 19(6),(2008),429-439.

  85. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Multivariate moment type operators: approximation properties in Orlicz spaces, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 2(2),(2008),247-259.

  86. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, A Voronovskaya-type theorem for a general class of discrete operators , Rocky Mountain Journal Math., 39(5), (2009), 1411-1442.

  87. C.Bardaro - P.L. Butzer -R.L. Stens - G. Vinti, Prediction by samples from the past with error estimates covering discontinuous signals, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56(1), (2010), 614-633.

  88. C.Bardaro- H. Karsli- G. Vinti, Nonlinear integral operators with homogeneous kernels: pointwise approximation theorems, Applicable Analysis, 90(3-4), (2011), 463-474.

  89. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Asymptotic formulae for bivariate Mellin convolution operators , Analysis in Theory and Applications, 24(4) (2008), 377-394.

  90. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Korovkin theorem in multivariate modular function spaces, , Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, 7(2)(2009), 105-120.

  91. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini Asymptotic formulae for bivariate discrete operators. Applications to generalized sampling series and Szasz-Mirak'jan operators, PanAmerican Math. J., 20(1), (2010), 1-21.

  92. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, A quantitative Voronovskaja formula for generalized sampling operators, East Journal on Approx., 15(4), (2009), 429-441.

  93. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Generalized sampling approximation of bivariate signals: rate of pointwise approximation, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimiz., 31(2), (2010), 131-154.

  94. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, A quantitative Voronovskaya formula for Mellin convolution operators, Mediterranean J. Math. 7(4), (2010), 483-501.

  95. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Voronovskaja formulae for Kantorovich type generalized sampling series, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., 62(3), (2010), 247-262.

  96. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Asymptotic formulae for multivariate Kantorovich type generalized sampling series, Acta Mathematica Sinica (E.S.), 27(7), (2011), 1247- 1258.

  97. C.Bardaro- I. Mantellini, A quantitative asymptotic formula for a general class of discrete operators, Computer&Mathematics with Applications, 60, (2010), 2859-2870.

    C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Bivariate Mellin convolution operators: quantitative approximation theorems, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 53, (2011), 1197-1207.

  98. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, On The moments of bivariate Mellin-Picard type kernels and applications, Integral transforms and special functions, 23(2) (2012), 135-148.

  99. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini A note on the Voronovskaja theorem for Mellin-Fejer convolution operators, Applied Mathematics Letters, 24, (2011), 2064-2067.

  100. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini Asymptotic behaviour of Mellin-Fejer convolution operators, East Journal on Approximations, 17(2), (2011), 181-201.

  101. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini Approximation properties for linear combinations of moment type operators, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 62, (2011), 2304-2313.

  102. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini On convergence properties for a class of Kantorovich discrete operators, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 33(4), (2012), 374-396

  103. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini On Voronovskaja formula for linear combinations of Mellin-Gauss-Weierstrass operators, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, (2012), 10171–10179.

  104. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini On the iterates of Mellin-Fejer convolution operators, Acta Appl. Math., 121, (2012), 213-229.

  105. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini Asymptotic formulae for linear combinations of generalized sampling operators, Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 32(3), (2013), 279–298 .

  106. C. Bardaro - A. Boccuto - X. Dimitriou -I. Mantellini Modular filter convergence theorems for abstract sampling type operators, Applicable Analysis, 92 (11), (2013), 2404-2423.

  107. C. Bardaro - A. Boccuto - X. Dimitriou - I. Mantellini, Abstract Korovkin-type theorems in modular spaces and applications, Central European Journal of Math., 11(10), (2013), 1774-1784.

  108. C. Bardaro - H. Karsli - G. Vinti, On pointwise convergence of Mellin type nonlinear m-singular operators, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 20(4), (2013), 25-39.

  109. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, On linear combinations of multivariate generalized sampling type series, Mediterranean J. Math., 10(4), (2013), 1831-1850.

  110. P.L. Butzer - C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Mellin Analysis and Exponential Sampling: Part I: Mellin fractional integrals, in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, (2013), 274-276, Eurasip Open Library.

  111. P.L. Butzer - C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Mellin Analysis and Exponential Sampling: Part II: Mellin differential operators and sampling, in: Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, (2013), 277-280, Eurasip Open Library.

  112. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, On pointwise convergence of nets of Mellin-Kantorovich convolution operators, Commentationes Math., 53(2),(2013), 165-177.

  113. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, On Mellin convolution operators: a direct approach to the asymptotic formulae, Integral Transform and Special Fucntions, 25(3), (2014), 182-195.

  114. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Asymptotic expansion of generalized Durrmeyer sampling type series, Jaen Journal on Approximation, 6(2), (2014), 143-165

  115. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini - R. Stens - J. Vautz - G. Vinti, Generalized sampling approximation for multivariate discontinuous signals and applications to image processing, in "New Perspectives in Approximation and sampling Theory", in Honor of Prof. Butzer's 85 birthday, Birkhaeuser, 2014, 87-114.

  116. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini, The exponential sampling theorem of signal analysis and the reproducing kernel formula in the Mellin transform setting, Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, 13(1), (2014), 35-66.

  117. C. Bardaro - A. Boccuto - K. Demirci - I. Mantellini - S. Orhan, Triangular A-statistical approximation by double sequence of positive linear operators, Results in Mathematics, 68, (2015), 271--291.

  118. C. Bardaro - A. Boccuto - K. Demirci - I. Mantellini - S. Orhan, Korovkin-type theorems for modular Psi-A-statistical convergence, Journal of Function Spaces, 2015, Article ID 160401, 11 pages.

  119. C. Bardaro - L. Faina - I. Mantellini, Quantitative approximation properties for iterates of moment kernel, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 20(2), (2015), 261-272.

  120. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini, The foundations of fractional calculus in Mellin transform setting and applications, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 21(5), (2015), 961-1017.

  121. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini, The Mellin-Parseval formula and its interconnections with the exponential sampling theorem of optical physics, Integral Transforms and Special functions, 27(1), (2016), 17-29.
  122. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Multivariate generalized sampling type series: estimates of pointwise convergence, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 15(1),(2015), 651-652, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201510315.

  123. C.Bardaro - L. Faina - I. Mantellini, Quantitative Voronovskaja formulae for generalized Durrmeyer sampling type series, Math. Nachr. 289(14-15),(2016), 1702-1720.

  124. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, On the Paley-Wiener theorem in the Mellin transform setting, Journal of Approximation Theory, 207(2016), 60-75.

  125. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, Mellin analysis and its basic associated metric. Applications to sampling theory, Analysis Mathematica, 42(4), (2016), 297-321.

  126. C. Bardaro - L. Faina - I. Mantellini, A generalization of the exponential sampling series and its approximation properties, Math. Slovaca, special issue dedicated to professor P. De Lucia, 67(6),(2017),1481-1496.
  127. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, On pointwise approximation properties of multivariate semi-discrete sampling-type operators, Results in Mathematics, 72, (2017), 1449-1472.


  128. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, A fresh approach to the Paley-Wiener theorem for Mellin-transforms and the Hardy-Mellin spaces, Math. Nachr. 290, (2017), 2759-2774.

  129. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, A generalization of the Paley-Wiener theorem for Mellin transforms and metric characterization of function spaces, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 20(5), (2017), 1216-1238.

  130. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, Quadrature formulae for the positive real axis in the setting of Mellin analysis: sharp estimates in terms of the Mellin distance, Calcolo, 55:26, (2018).

  131. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer -I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, Development of a new concept of polar analytic functions useful in Mellin analysis, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 64(12), (2019), 2040-2062.
  132. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, Exponential sampling series: convergence in Mellin-Lebegsue spaces, Results in Math, 74:119, (2019).
  133. C. Bardaro – G. Bevignani – I. Mantellini – M. Seracini, Bivariate generalized exponential sampling series and applications to seismic waves, Constructive Mathematical Analysis, 2 (4), (2019), 153-167.
  134. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, Integration of polar analytic functions and applications to Boas' differentiation formula and Bernstein's inequality in Mellin setting, Bollettino UMI, special issue "Measure, Integration and Application" in memory of Professor Domenico Candeloro, 13(4), (2020), 503-514.
  135. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, Valiron's interpolation formula and a derivative sampling formula in the Mellin setting acquired via polar-analytic functions, Computational Methods and Function Theory, special issue dedicated to Professor Stephan Ruscheweyh, 20(3-4), (2020), 629-652.
  136. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, On a Durrmeyer-type modification of the generalized exponential series, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (2), 70(3), (2021), 1289-1304.
  137. C. Bardaro - A. Boccuto - I. Mantellini, A survey on recent results in Korovkin's approximation theory in modular spaces, special issue dedicated to Professor Francesco Altomare, Constructive Mathematical Analysis, 4(1), (2021), 48-60.
  138. C. Bardaro - P. Pucci - A. Sambucini - G. Vinti, Life and work of Domenico Candeloro: an appreciation, Bollettino UMI, Special issue "Measure, Integration and Applications" dedicated to the memory of Professor Domenico Candeloro, 13(4), (2020), 451-458.
  139. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini - G. Uysal - B. Yilmaz, A class of integral operators that fix exponential functions, Mediterranean J. Math.,18(5), (2021), paper nr. 179, 21pp.
  140. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, Polar analytic functions: old and new results. Applications, Results in Mathematics, (2022), 77:64.
  141. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini, Boundedness properties of semi-discrete sampling operators in Mellin--Lebesgue spaces, Mathematical Foundations of Computing, 5(3), (2022), 219-229.
  142. -C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser - R.L. Stens, Classical and approximate exponential sampling formula: their interconnections in uniform and Mellin-Lebesgue norms, in "Sampling, Approximation and Signal analysis", Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis,special volume dedicated to Professor R.Higgings, Birkhauser, 2023.
  143. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini - I. Tittarelli, Convergence of semi-discrete exponential sampling operators in Mellin--Lebesgue spaces, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A-Mat. (2023) 117:30.
  144. C.Bardaro - I.Mantellini - G. Schmeisser, Exponential sampling with a multiplier, Sampling Theory, Signal Processing and Data Analysis, Special issue dedicated to Professor Paul Leo Butzer, 21:8 (2023).
  145. C. Bardaro - N. Broccatelli - I. Mantellini - M. Seracini, Semi-discrete operators in multivariate setting. Convergence properties and applications, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 46(9), (2023), 11058-11079.
  146. A. Aral - C. Bardaro - I.Mantellini - F. Ozsarac, A note on Mellin--Fejer kernels, accepted for publication in Results of Mathematics, 2025



  1. C. Bardaro - J. Musielak - G. Vinti, Nonlinear integral operators and applications, De Gruytier Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, Vol. 9, xii + 201 pp., 2003.
  2. C. Bardaro - I. Rasa - R. Stens - G.Vinti (eds) "Function Spaces, Approximation Theory and their applications" Special issue of Journal of Function Spaces (Hindawi), (2016).
  3. C. Bardaro - P. Pucci - A. Sambucini - G. Vinti (eds) "Measure, Integration and Applications," special issue of Bollettino UMI dedicated to the memory of Professor Domenico Candeloro, Volume 13,Issue 4, 2020.
  4. C. Bardaro - R. Stens - G. Vinti (eds) "Sampling theory, approximation and their applications. An appreciation to Paul Butzer' scientific work", collection of Sampling Theory, Signal Processing and Data Analysis, 2022-2023



Carlo Bardaro
Dipartimento di Matematica e InformaticaUniversità degli Studi di Perugia
Stanza 514 – Via Vanvitelli 1 – 06123 Perugia (Italy)
Stanza 8 Dica I piano – Via Duranti 93 – 06125 Perugia (Italy)
+39 075 585 5034 +39 075 585 3823 fax: +39 075 585 5024